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However you celebrate Diwali, Denver's growing Indian food scene offers a rich culinary experience for those who enjoy fresh ingredients, diverse textures, and complex combinations of spices from the South Asian subcontinent. Naraka Chaturdashi is the second day of the festival on November 3. It is one of the most important festivals within Hinduism[7][8] where it generally lasts five days (or six in some regions of India), and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar months of Ashvin (according to the amanta tradition) and Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November). [13][14][93][94], A scholar of Jain and Nivethan, states that in Jain tradition, Diwali is celebrated in observance of "Mahavira Nirvana Divas", the physical death and final nirvana of Mahavira. During the festival, diyas are lit and placed in rows along the parapets of temples and houses and set adrift on rivers and streams. When is Diwali? Patrice J. Williams is a travel and style content creator, fact-checker and author of the thrift shopping book. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune and prosperity, is the primary deity worshiped during Diwali. According to McDermott, while the Durga Puja is the largest Bengali festival and it can be traced to the 16th-century or earlier, the start of Kali puja tradition on Diwali is traceable to no earlier than about the mid-18th-century during the reign of Raja Krishnacandra Ray. People often think of Diwali as a Hindu festival, but it is also celebrated by Sikhs and Jains . You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Diwali, also known as Deepavali, falls on 4 November this year. It is determined by the Indian calendar and the dates of celebration change every year. [186], (federal) = federal holidays, (abbreviation) = state/territorial holidays, (religious) = religious holidays, (cultural) = holiday related to a specific racial/ethnic group or sexual minority, (week) = week-long holidays, (month) = month-long holidays, (36) = Title 36 Observances and Ceremonies. In Australia, over one million Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs celebrate versions of the festival, which include Tihar and Bandi Chhor Diwas. Traditionally, Marathi Hindus and South Indian Hindus receive an oil massage from the elders in the family on the day and then take a ritual bath, all before sunrise. [137][138] According to Pintchman, who quotes Raghavan, this ritual may also be linked to the tradition in some communities of paying respect to ancestors. Diwali is for mere mortals; Dev Deepawali is the festival of the gods. [161] Other goods that are bought in substantial quantities during Diwali include confectionery and fireworks. Communities prepare over one hundred dishes from a variety of ingredients, which is then dedicated to Krishna before being shared among the community. [86][87], Trade and merchant families and others also offer prayers to Saraswati, who embodies music, literature and learning and Kubera, who symbolises book-keeping, treasury and wealth management. [185] When these compounds pollute the air, they increase the risk of cancer in people. This year, it begins in the first week of November from 2nd-6th. [92][12], Originally a Hindu festival, Diwali has transcended religious lines. The Prayer Hymn (Aarti) for the Hindu Diwali Celebration, Hindu Calendar: Days, Months, Years and Epochs, The Real Reason for the Hindu Raksha Bandhan Celebration, History and Significance of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, Reasons to Celebrate Diwali the Festival of Lights, Calendar of Hindu Festivals, Fasts, and Religious Events 20202025, The History of Vasant Panchami, the Birth of Hindu Goddess Saraswati, A Guide to the 6 Seasons of the Hindu Calendar, A Guide to Lohri, The Hindu Winter Bonfire Festival, Evaluating Population Exposure to Environmental Pollutants During Deepavali Fireworks Displays Using Air Quality Measurements of the Safar Network, Whose Diwali Is It? The holiday overlaps with the Hindu New Year and as a result is associated with a chance to reset and start anew. Spread joy. [121] It is also celebrated as Roop Chaudas in some North Indian households, where women bathe before sunrise, while lighting a Diya (lamp) in the bath area, they believe it helps enhance their beauty it is a fun ritual that young girls enjoy as part of festivities. Scholars contest the 527 BCE date and consider Mahavira's biographical details as uncertain. As per India's official holiday calendar, Diwali in 2020 will be on Saturday, November 14, coinciding with the 15th day of Kartik, the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. [43], The artisan Hindu and Sikh community celebrates the fourth day as the Vishwakarma puja day. This begins with the first day known as "Dhanteras' or the worship of wealth. Diwali, also spelled Divali, one of the major religious festivals in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, lasting for five days from the 13th day of the dark half of the lunar month Ashvina to the second day of the light half of the lunar month Karttika. Dhan-trayodashi or Dhan teras: Dhan means "wealth" and Trayodashi means "thirteenth day." Thus, as the name . Updates? It celebrates the sister-brother bond, similar in spirit to Raksha Bandhan but it is the brother that travels to meet the sister and her family. Gambling, especially in the form of card games, is encouraged as a way of ensuring good luck in the coming year and in remembrance of the games of dice played by Shiva and Parvati on Mount Kailasa or similar contests between Radha and Krishna. The exact date changes every year because the Hindu calendar is lunar. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Amavasya Tithi on Diwali begins at. [112] [o] The looms, tools of trade, machines and workplaces are cleaned and prayers offered to these livelihood means. The festivities vary between different regions. Although not a primary festival of Buddhism, Diwali is celebrated by some Buddhists as a commemoration of the day when Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism in the 3rd century bce. Ths festival of lights, i.e. Many participate in other socio-political events as a symbol of support for diversity and inclusiveness. amnta / primnta. [52] In Nepal, it is also a multiday festival, although the days and rituals are named differently, with the climax being called the Tihar festival by Hindus and Swanti festival by Buddhists. [56][57] Rajasekhara referred to Deepavali as Dipamalika in his 9th-century Kavyamimamsa, wherein he mentions the tradition of homes being whitewashed and oil lamps decorated homes, streets and markets in the night. Diwali takes places every year, either in October or November, depending on the position of the Moon. [169][r], Many governments encourage or sponsor Diwali-related festivities in their territories. This festive day is interpreted by some to symbolise Yama's sister Yamuna welcoming Yama with a tilaka, while others interpret it as the arrival of Krishna at his sister Subhadra's place after defeating Narakasura. What are the 5 Diwali Days in 2022? [50] It is mentioned in mentioned in early Sanskrit texts, such as the Padma Purana and the Skanda Purana, both of which were completed in the second half of the 1st millennium CE. In other regions, parents invite a newly married daughter, or son, together with their spouses to a festive meal and give them gifts. What makes Dev Deepawali different from Diwali? This year, the biggest day of festivities (Lakshmi Puja) will take place on November 4, 2021. To learn more, visit ISA's Instagram. On the Gregorian calendar, the festival falls between October and November. When people are exposed to these pollutant particles, they may suffer from eye, nose, and throat-related problems. The day also marks a major shopping day to purchase new utensils, home equipment, jewelry, firecrackers, and other items. In the lead-up to Diwali, celebrants prepare by cleaning, renovating, and decorating their homes and workplaces with diyas (oil lamps) and rangolis (colorful art circle patterns). [115][144][145], The agricultural symbolism is also observed on this day by many Hindus as Annakut, literally "mountain of food". [168], Diwali has increasingly attracted cultural exchanges, becoming occasions for politicians and religious leaders worldwide to meet Hindu or Indian origin citizens, diplomatic staff or neighbours. The first day, November 2, is Dhanteras. It . [140] It is regionally called Annakut (heap of grain), Padwa, Goverdhan puja, Bali Pratipada, Bali Padyami, Kartik Shukla Pratipada and other names. [79] Throughout the epic, Rama's decisions were always in line with dharma (duty) and the Diwali festival serves as a reminder for followers of hinduism to maintain their dharma in day to day life. Diwali is also celebrated to mark the return of Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon-king Ravana and completing his fourteen years of exile. Diwali is one of the most revered and a pious festival deeply entrenched in Hindu culture. In 2023, Diwali is on November 12. It is commemorated on the 15th day of Kartik, the Hindu calendar's holiest month. Every autumn, the observance sees millions of people attend. The day before Diwali is remembered as Naraka Chaturdasi, the day on which Narakasura was killed by Krishna. The lighting of the lamps celebrates the light of Mahaviras holy knowledge. [147] In historic times, this was a day in autumn when brothers would travel to meet their sisters, or invite their sister's family to their village to celebrate their sister-brother bond with the bounty of seasonal harvests. The auspicious time to conduct Lakshmi Puja will begin at 6:09 pm and end at 8:04 pm, according to the Drik Panchang. Diwali is a five-day religious festival. Diwali 2023: 12 th of November, Sunday Diwali is also known as the 'Festival of Light' because it is celebrated using lights, fireworks and lanterns in private homes and public places. It coincides with the new moon (amvasy) and is deemed the darkest night of the Hindu lunisolar calendar. Dev Deepawali or Dev Diwali takes place on the full-moon night of the Hindu month of Kartika. [28][29][30], Diwali is also a major cultural event for the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain diaspora. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/when-is-diwali-1770209. [20], The festival is an annual homecoming and bonding period not only for families,[17][18] but also for communities and associations, particularly those in urban areas, which will organise activities, events and gatherings. In Sri Lanka and. For planning purposes, here are the dates for the main celebrations for Diwali for the next few years: The date to celebrate Diwali generally changes by a week to 10 days every year. Diwali festivities include a celebration of sights, sounds, arts and flavours. [126] Family members light up firecrackers, which some interpret as a way to ward off all evil spirits and the inauspicious, as well as add to the festive mood. Diwali falls in either October or November each year, depending on the cycle of the moon. In 2019, Diwali started on October 25 as reported by The Fact. The Lacshmipuja dipanwita, remarked Jones, was a "great festival at night, in honour of Lakshmi, with illuminations on trees and houses".[68][f]. [148] On this day the womenfolk of the family gather, perform a puja with prayers for the well being of their brothers, then return to a ritual of feeding their brothers with their hands and receiving gifts. [156] It is traditionally a time when households purchase new clothing, home refurbishments, gifts, gold, jewelry,[157][158] and other large purchases particularly as the festival is dedicated to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and such purchases are considered auspicious. The dates change each year because they are based on the Hindu lunar calendar, but it typically happens in October and November. Diwali is celebrated for almost five days consecutively. [59][60] The 16th-century Portuguese traveler Domingo Paes wrote of his visit to the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire, where Dipavali was celebrated in October with householders illuminating their homes, and their temples, with lamps. [117][118][119], The third day is the height of the festival,[126] and coincides with the last day of the dark fortnight of Ashwin or Kartik. "Deepawali" and "Dipawali" redirect here. This is done via a bathing ritual called Abhyanga Snan. In Bengal the goddess Kali is worshipped. According to Audrey Truschke, the Sunni Muslim emperor Aurangzeb did limit "public observation" of many religious holidays such as Hindu Diwali and Holi, but also of Shia observance of Muharram and the Persian holiday of Nauruz. For the Jain community, the festival commemorates the enlightenment and liberation (moksha) of Mahavira, the most recent of the Jain Tirthankaras, from the cycle of life and death (samsara). Diwali always falls some time between October and November, but the exact date varies each year as the Hindu calendar is based on the Moon. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The dates of Diwali change every year, though the five day festival generally falls between late October and early November. Monier Monier Williams (2008 updated, Harvard University), Sanskrit English dictionary, . It's associated with Lord Ram's return to his kingdom in Ayodhya after exile and rescuing his wife from demon king Ravan on Dussehra. A lunar half-month is 15 days. Diwali 2021: What the holiday . This year (2021), Diwali begins on Tuesday 2 November, with the peak day of celebrations happening on the third day, Thursday 4 November. Diwali, also spelled Divali, one of the major religious festivals in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, lasting for five days from the 13th day of the dark half of the lunar month Ashvina to the second day of the light half of the lunar month Karttika. [23] Some Hindus, Jains and Sikhs will send Diwali greeting cards to family near and far during the festive season, occasionally with boxes of Indian confectionery. The duration will be 1 hour 56 minutes. [n] Vishwakarma is the presiding Hindu deity for those in architecture, building, manufacturing, textile work and crafts trades. [177][s], The use of fireworks also causes an increase in the number of burn injuries in India during Diwali. Some 200,000 New Yorkers celebrate Diwali each year, per state Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar . The incredible amount of fireworks and firecrackers set off during the five days of Diwali have become an issue in many Indian cities, to the point that ambient air and noise during Diwali are considered somewhat of a health hazard. For example, the Singaporean government, in association with the Hindu Endowment Board of Singapore, organises many cultural events during Diwali every year. Also known as the 'festival of lights', the celebration usually lasts for five days. Every occasion represents two main things: 1. In India, the holiday always falls on the 15th of Kartik, the first month of the Hindu lunar calendar . While Diwali spans five days, the holiday reaches its peak on day three this year, falling on Oct. 24, 2022. Ritually, in honour of Lakshmi, the female player always wins. [121] The day and its rituals are interpreted as ways to liberate any souls from their suffering in "Naraka", or hell, as well as a reminder of spiritual auspiciousness. Diwali or Deepavali, also known as the "Festival of Lights," is the biggest festival in theHindu calendar, celebrated in early fall of each year. The festival falls sometime between October and November. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil and an even deeper meaning is to drive away our inner darkness with light. In some communities, husbands will give gifts to their wives, while in others parents with newly married children invite them and their spouses to enjoy a meal and receive gifts. The course of the five days includes cleaning . What is Diwali? In 2023, Diwali will be celebrated on 19th October (Sunday). A variety of entertainments are usually available for inhabitants of the local community to enjoy. Most of the injuries sustained are Group I type burns (minor) requiring only outpatient care. [95] According to the Jain tradition, this practice of lighting lamps first began on the day of Mahavira's nirvana in 527 BCE,[j] when 18 kings who had gathered for Mahavira's final teachings issued a proclamation that lamps be lit in remembrance of the "great light, Mahavira". Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs, built a well in Goindwal with eighty-four steps and invited Sikhs to bathe in its sacred waters on Baisakhi and Diwali as a form of community bonding. Among Hindus the most widespread customis the lighting of diyas (small earthenware lamps filled with oil) on the night of the new moon to invite the presence of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Choti Diwali is the major shopping day for festive, Annakut community meals (left), Krishna holding, A sister ritually feeding her brother on Bhai Duj-Diwali, Dhanteras, Dhanatrayodashi, Yama Deepam (Day 1), Naraka Chaturdashi, Kali Chaudas, Chhoti Diwali, Hanuman Puja, Roop Chaudas, Yama Deepam (Day 2), Annakut, Balipratipada (Padwa), Govardhan Puja (Day 4), Bhai Duj, Bhau-Beej, Vishwakarma Puja (Day 5). [153][p] In the modern day, Diwali mela are held at college, or university, campuses or as community events by members of the Indian diaspora. It is observed by the Vajrayana Buddhist minority among the Newarpeople of Nepal. Diwali is generally a time for visiting, exchanging gifts, wearing new clothes, feasting, feeding the poor, and setting off fireworks (though such displays have been restricted to limit noise and other environmental pollution). Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi Devi is worshipped on this day and it is customary to purchase precious articles. A 2017 estimate states 50,000 tons (100million pounds) of fireworks are exploded annually in India over the Diwali festival. [64][65][d][e], Publications from the British colonial era also made mention of Diwali, such as the note on Hindu festivals published in 1799 by Sir William Jones, a philologist known for his early observations on Sanskrit and Indo-European languages. Diwali was not a public holiday in Pakistan from 1947 to 2016. Furthermore, it is a celebration of the day Rama returned to his kingdom in Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating the demon Ravana. The Hindu calendar is lunisolar but most festival dates are specified using the lunar portion of the calendar. Make sure you check the dates online if you plan on visiting India during Diwali. The Jain Diwali celebrated in many parts of India has similar practices to the Hindu Diwali, such as the lighting of lamps and the offering of prayers to Lakshmi.

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when is diwali every year